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Environmental Dowsing-Dowsing is an ancient and simple practice which has commonly been used to find underground resources such as water, oil and coal. It is also an effective tool for detecting the location of Geopathic Stress lines, Electromagnetic fields, Geomagnetic fields, Ley Lines, Vortices and Energy Forms (Energy imprints left over from historical events and wandering spirits). All of the above can be harmful to human health and negatively impact your general quality of life.
Environmental Stress Management- Once you have located Geopathic Stress lines, Electromagnetic fields, Geomagnetic fields, Ley Lines, Vortices and Energy Forms in your home or office, you have the option of either avoiding the affected areas, or neutralising the Stress itself. Most stresses can be economically and effectively cured, neutralised and maintained and that folks is what we do!
Sick House- Property which has Geopathic Stress lines, Electromagnetic fields, Geomagnetic fields, Ley Lines, Vortices and Energy Forms.
Sick Property- see sick house.
Dowsing- is an ancient and simple practice which has commonly been used to find underground resources such as water, oil and coal. It is also an effective tool for detecting the location of Stress lines.
Geopathic Stress- is the naturally occurring energies radiating from the earth that have passed through an underground body of water of geological fault line. In doing so the frequency is changed to one which negatively impacts on our body’s normal function, just like running your nails down a chalk board.
Ghost– an entity that has died yet their sole presence is still with us and is an energy form.
Wandering Spirit- see ghost.
Divining- see Dowsing.
Ley lines- these are the natural pathways or conduits in which the earths energy circulates. This is much like our body’s meridian system as depicted in acupuncture charts.
Feng shui- alignment of oneself and your property to maximise the energy flows that support health, wealth and prosperity.
Space Clearing- techniques used to remove, harmonise or otherwise manage Geopathic Stress lines, Electromagnetic fields, Geomagnetic fields, Ley Lines, Vortices and Energy Forms within your living and working environments.
Vortex- this is where two or more Ley Lines cross. Positive vortices, like Stone Henge, rotate clockwise and support wonderful happy places to meet, live and otherwise thrive. Negative vortices rotate counter-clockwise and bring in all the negative stuff from the vicinity and can lead to the onset of depression etc.
Earth Energies- naturally occurring energies radiating from the earth.
Negative Hartmann Curry lines– this is when the lines of the Earths naturally occurring magnetic field pass through a component associated with our electricity network, outside or within our houses. In doing so the frequency is changed to one which negatively impacts on our body’s normal function, just like running your nails down a chalk board.
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